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From Colorado’s Majestic Landscapes to Wine-Inspired Masterpieces

My journey as an artist has taken me from the rich wine culture of Spain to the breathtaking beauty of Colorado. Here I create paintings that blend the elegance of fine wine with the vibrant energy of the Rocky Mountains.

Local Wine Events recently featured my work, highlighting how my art transforms personal experiences and the love of wine into timeless pieces that elevate any space.

➡️ Read the full article here: Spain to Colorado: Monica Márquez Gatica’s Wine-Inspired Art Paintings

Screenshot of a LocalWineEvents article featuring Monica Fine Art ’s wine-inspired art, titled Spain to Colorado: Monica Márquez Gatica’s Wine-Inspired Art Paintings

LocalWineEvents showcases the artistic journey of Monica Fine Art, exploring her Fluid Hybrid Realism and the deep connection between her art and wine culture.